Learn the skills you need to be a successful Qigong teacher
This course is NOT another “fallow long” type of video training. This training is LIVE, one-on-one, with me. Using video chat, Zoom, you get personalized teaching adapted to your understanding and current level. I will personally guide you through the different levels Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 1, set 2 and set 3 and support you along the way.
Completing the 2 part program (300h) will take you between 1 to 3 years depending on your current Qigong level and the frequency of the classes. There is also 2 in-person seminar/final exam in order to receive the Qigong Teacher certification. See the detailed program below.
Learn at home
What better environment to learn then the place you will train in every day? With online training, you get to learn directly in the comfort of your home. No time wasted in travels, no hotel or airplane fees, no need to take your vacation days without your family to go train. Everything is right here at the tip of your fingers.
Teaching online since 2012, I am one of the pioneers in this field. I refined my perception skills and teaching method to guide you as you learn and develop your Qigong skills. With the exception of physical contact, it is as if I was with you in your home, teaching you all you need to develop a solid Qigong foundation and the skills necessary to share it with your students.
The Qigong Teacher certification (300h) is divided into 2 parts
Part 1
Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 1 instructor certification (150h)
50h of live one on one online training (Skype or FaceTime)
50h of video study of your personal online classes
20h of written and video exam preparation (midterm exam)
30 hours of in-person seminar/final exam (6h x 5 days)
The 50h live classes will consist of:
Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 1 basic movements, breathing, and meditations (Jing/Qi/Shen)
Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 1 intermediate Qi circulation/perception (Integrating Jing/Qi/Shen into one)
Qi perception development exercises
Full body Breathing anatomy and exercises
Musculoskeletal anatomy for Qigong movements and posture improvement exercises
Shaolin Zhan Zhuang (Nei Jin Yi Zhi Chan aka Inner Strength 1 Finger Zen)
Meditations practices
Basic Chinese philosophy and Chinese medicine principles as they relate to Qigong
Your live class will be recorded and sent to you the same day. Since there is a lot of material covered in 1h, studying the video will allow you to better integrate each lesson. It also allows you to focus in class and take notes after when reviewing the video.
During part 1, you will have 2 midterm exams before the in-person final exam. These exams will be one video and one written. The video exam will simply be you demonstrating the whole form and will happen somewhere in the middle of the training once you will know the complete form and we start to go deeper into each movement. The written exam will be a short explanation of how you would teach each movement to a beginners class. I will explain them both in more details once we get to this point. There are no extra fees for these 2 exams.
Part 2:
Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 2 and set 3 instructor certification (150h)
50h of live one on one online training (Skype or FaceTime)
50h of video study of your personal online classes
20h of written and video exam preparation
30h of in-person seminar final exam (6h x 5 days)
The 50h live classes will consist of:
Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 2 and set 3 basic movements, breathing, and meditations (Jing/Qi/Shen)
Taiji Qigong Shibashi set 2 and set 3 intermediate Qi circulation/perception (Integrating Jing/Qi/Shen into one)
Advanced Qi perception exercises (In you, in your students, and in the environment)
Full body Breathing integration within Qigong movements
Discovering the flow of Jing in the bones and the movements it generates
Shaolin Zhan Zhuang intermediate exercises (Nei Jin Yi Zhi Chan aka Inner Strength 1 Finger Zen)
Meditations practices
Intermediate Chinese philosophy and Chinese medicine principles as they relate to Qigong
Your live class will be recorded and sent to you the same day. Since there is a lot of material covered in 1h, studying the video will allow you to better integrate each lesson. It also allows you to focus in class and take notes after when reviewing the video.
During part 2, you will have 4 midterm exams before the in-person final exam. These exams will be 2 videos and 2 written. The video exams will simply be you demonstrating the whole forms (2 and 3) and will happen after you learned each form before we start to go deeper into each movement. The written exam will be a short explanation of how you would teach each movement to a beginners class. I will explain them both in more details once we get to this point. There are no extra fees for these exams.
In-person seminar/final exam
There are 2 in-person seminars/final exams, one for part 1 and one for part 2. The fee is 1000$ Canadian per seminar. This fee as to be paid in full prior to the seminar. We can discuss payment plan once you finish the online training. It could be spread over a few month before the seminar. There are 2 options for the location of the seminar:
1-You come to my training center in Los Cabos, Mexico. There is a comfortable bedroom with full bathroom and kitchen at your disposal at no extra cost. All you have to calculate is your transportation and food budget.
2-I can travel to your location. If you choose this option, you will have to pay for my travel expenses or you can organize a 2-day seminar with enough students to cover these expenses. If the seminar makes more money then my travel fees, the surplus will be divided 50/50. Ideally, we would do your personal 3-day exam first and then the 2-day public seminar where you would be my assistant and receive your certification publicly at the end. This way people who attended the seminar will know they can continue their training with you. This would be a good publicity for you and a way to start with some students.
Advanced Programs
After completion of the 300h Qigong Teacher Training program, students who wish to go further in their development can choose to study set 4 (the therapeutic use of Shibashi) or set 8 (the Elite/Quintessential form)
Therapeutic use of Shibashi
Set 4 was design using the movements of set 1 set 2 and set 3 and recombining them to be used as a therapeutic exercise for a specific disease. They were tested at the Shanghai Qigong Research Institute for 2 decades. A total of 18 series were created. Each series of 3 movements target specific health problems like hypertension, diabetes, Lungs disease, Liver disease, digestive issue, lower back pain etc… It also uses specific meditations and breathing exercises to support the patient further. This is a great tool for the acupuncturist and other therapists who wish to teach Shibashi exercises to support their patient between treatments or Qigong teacher who give classes in a hospital setting and retirement home for a group of people with a specific health condition.
Jing Hua Ban (精华版) The Quintessential form of Shibashi
Set 8, also known as the "Elite form", is the synthesis of 30 years of Shibashi research and development by Professor Lin Housheng. He selected the 36 most powerful movements from the 108 he created (6x18) and combined them in dynamic pairs to create this set. Each of the 18 pairs creates a dynamic, often opposite, movement of the Qi between the 2 movements. This result in a significant acceleration of the Qi through the whole body. The combinations also touch the 5 qualities of Qi (Wu Xing) which is also rarely seen in today's monochromatic forms. The dynamics of this form make it more suitable for younger students who are energetic, the martial artist who want to develop the intensity of Qi in their movements and those who wish to reach a higher level of practice and development. Understanding set 1 set 2 and set 3 is a prerequisite to explore set 8. A person can learn the choreography, but the form will remain empty without the foundation laid by the first 3 set.
Come train with me in Mexico!!!
Besides the in-person seminar/final exam, my Qigong center in Los Cabos, Mexico is also available to welcome you for your personal short term or long term Qigong training. Depending on your current Qigong level, an intensive Teacher Training program can be tailored specifically for you.
The center facilities include a tea lounge, full kitchen, training space, and guest bedroom. It is all set for you to enjoy your stay and maximize your training experience.
Contact me to schedule your stay and personal Qigong training plan.